Tired of dreading the arrival of your quarterly energy bill and the impact it has on your spending freedom?
If so, then you’re no different to the 87% of households throughout NSW and the ACT that are overpaying for energy.
That’s where SDA can help you. We've teamed up with with energy specialists, Make it Cheaper to help you identify savings on your energy bill.
Since Jan 2017, Make it Cheaper have identify savings on their customer’s energy bills to the value of $15,092,040*.
Make it Cheaper provide a fast, easy and 100% obligation free energy bill comparison service, and if they find a better contract, they’ll make the switch on your behalf – saving you time and money.
To find out if you could be reducing the cost of your energy bill and giving yourself greater spending flexibility over the Christmas / New Year period, go to: bit.ly/SDA_NSW or contact (02) 8880 1463.