Boxing Day Trading Review Banner

In late 2015, the NSW Government introduced changes to the Retail Trading Act 2008 (NSW) to allow for a trial of retail trading on Boxing Day.

The arguments for trading were the alleged benefits to the NSW economy, public demand to shop, and the benefit to retail workers. However, the reality of Boxing Day trading in 2016 was that there was:

  • NO additional economic benefits to the NSW retail industry
  • NO strong public demand to shop
  • BUT there was a real social cost to the retail and fast food workers of NSW and their families.

As part of the trial, Parliament agreed to an independent review after two years to determine whether:

  • Boxing Day trading was a success for retailers, consumers and employees.
  • There were effective mechanisms in place to ensure staff were not coerced or harassed to work.

Send a message to the NSW Parliament here! This is your chance to have your say and contribute directly to the independent review of Boxing Day trading.

As part of the review, we want you to tell NSW Parliament about your experiences working on Boxing Day. Your submission will help the NSW Government determine whether or not Boxing Day trading will continue into the future.

There is no good reason to continue this trial – tell the Premier that it’s time to give Boxing Day back to families. Click here to send your message to the NSW Parliament.

Friday, April 7, 2017