Each year the SDA offers a Tertiary Education Assistance Program to 16 members studying at university or TAFE. There is $1200 support available for university students and $600 for TAFE students.

Roster Changes in Coles Express
The SDA is here to assist members at Coles Express with any difficulties arising from a proposed change to their roster.
Closure of Woolworths Supermarket Dee Why
As you would be aware, Woolworths has made the decision to close its Dee Why supermarket, in preparation for opening a new supermarket nearby. The SDA understands that the current store will close on...
Important Woolworths 2018 Agreement Update
Elizabeth, Woolworths worker, says she'll be voting yes on the new 2018 Agreement because
Wages up under the proposed Woolworths Agreement
SDA Organisers and Delegates are out in stores with important information about your pay and conditions in the proposed Woolworths Agreement.
Bunnings bargaining update
The SDA has been successful in delivering strong wages and conditions for Bunnings employees over many years. Bunnings employees now enjoy a loading of +16.5% above the General Retail Industry Award...
SDA and Big W Start Negotiations!
Today the SDA met with Big W to begin negotiations for a new Big W Agreement. Recently, Big W SDA Delegates from across the country came together to discuss our approach to negotiations.
Important information for Dan Murphy’s workers
The current Dan Murphy’s Agreement is expired and negotiations for a new Agreement will start soon. However, we know how important it is for your pay to go up each year so your wages keep up with the...
Important information for BWS workers
The current BWS Agreement is expired and negotiations for a new Agreement will start soon. However, we know how important it is for your pay to go up each year so your wages keep up with the rising...
Negotiating a new Woolworths Agreement
The SDA and Woolworths met today and have made further progress towards finalising a new Woolworths Supermarkets Agreement for you to consider. So far in negotiations, the SDA has achieved: