Bondi Junction Westfield Member Update
We extend our deepest sympathies and condolences to all those affected by the tragic incident at Bondi Westfield. This traumatic incident has reverberated throughout the retail industry and across our community.
We thank the police, paramedics and health workers who have supported you.
We are also extremely proud of all retail workers at Bondi who acted selflessly and courageously to ensure the safety of their workmates and their customers.
This is now a time for our community to unite around what we hold in common.
Last Saturday and Sunday as soon as what happened at Bondi was known the SDA was in contact with your company to ensure:
- all members were safe and accounted for;
- all members would be paid in accordance with their roster whilst the centre was closed; and
- counselling services would be in place and available for members.
Once all of that was confirmed and given the uncertainty of when access to Westfield would occur we did not communicate directly with members but allowed companies to keep informing you of this at that time. Your local Organiser Dominic McDonald was in constant contact with your workplace Delegate and local management through this period.
Last week
Your company agreed that all members would be paid in accordance with their rostered shifts. This included full time, part time and casual workers.
This means that if you did not work a rostered shift you should still be paid for it including any penalty rates.
Some members worked their shifts at alternative sites.
If anyone who was unable to work when the Centre was closed and used personal leave, annual leave or another form of leave please contact the SDA so we can talk to your company about recrediting that leave to you. Please call the SDA on 131 732.
What happened at Bondi is very difficult for all workers at the centre whether you worked on that day or not.
Your company Employee Assistance Program service (EAP) and counselling was on site last week. This service is of course still available to members now and into the future. We encourage all members to make use of this service. Do not hesitate to reach out for help. If you have any problems accessing EAP please talk to your local store management or contact the SDA on 131 732.
Ongoing Support
The SDA appreciates what has happened at Bondi will affect different people differently at different times and in different ways. Whilst there is a lot of support at the moment we know that the weeks and months ahead will also be a time when much support is needed. That is why we have been in continued discussions with the NSW Government and your company on the need for ongoing health support for the long term.
If members have issues related to what happened at Bondi that affect you at work we encourage you to discuss this with your company EAP service or contact the SDA to access support.
We will work with members over any concerns you have whether it be work location, ongoing EAP support or any workers compensation related matters.
Thank you for all you do for your local community.
Bernie Smith
Branch Secretary-Treasurer